About Me

I am an Assistant Professor of Computer Information Systems in the department of Computer Science at the State University of New York Brockport. I holds a Doctor of Science in Information technology from Towson University, Maryland, a Masters of Science in Information technology and Cyber Security from Hood College, Maryland, a Masters of Art in Publications Design from University of Baltimore, Maryland and a Bachelors of Fine Art in Graphic Design from Kwame Nkrumah of Science and Technology, Ghana.

I am also an ITIL and AWS certified professional with extensive knowledge in UX/UI Design. I serve as a technology consultant for the International NGO, YouthsMAP, a role I have held since 2012.

“There is no substitute for hardwork. – Thomas A. Edison”

I am a firm believer of the quote “there is no substitute for hard work.” This quotation reminds me that the journey to success does not come through short cuts, but through fortitude, sacrifice and hardwork. Fortitude is refusing to quit and accepting failure as an integral part of the problem-solving process towards achieving a desired goal or objective. As a teacher it is critical to let students grasp the concept of hardwork, and to understand that success comes from knowing what works and learning from what doesn’t work. This makes students tougher in solving problems. As stated by Thomas Edison “I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work”. For that reason, I always resonate this quote to motivate students to accept failure as part of the process to achieve success in any endeavor, and to never quit trying.

Research Interests

  • Human Computer Interaction,
  • User Interface/User Experience research,
  • m-Health and
  • Cyber security